Tag: journey

  • Eugi’s Weekly Prompt – Journey – Sept. 2, 2021

    Go where the prompt leads you and publish a post on your own blog that responds to the prompt. The journey of life Present to unknown future Never a straight line. Forks to choose and curves to turn. Surprise in the horizon. The tanka is a thirty-one-syllable poem, traditionally written in a single unbroken line.…

  • #SoCS April 3, 2021

    Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “start with who/whom” Begin your post with either “who” or “whom” and go from there. Have fun! Who Would not Like to walk On unknown paths? Mud roads less travelled. With trees on either side. And light streaming through the leaves. Showing the play of light and…

  • The Journey through the Alphabet

    My mother-tongue is Kannada and I have been speaking it from the time I learnt to speak. My father was working in the Indian railways and he was posted in places outside Karnataka. Somehow, reading and writing my language took a backseat. I have been living in Karnataka since my marriage in 1982. I learnt…