Day 19 of the March SOLSC! #SOL2022

We plan a day and plans change suddenly without consulting us 😊. My husband heard from his friend that their teacher was coming to our town after decades. He had been a lecturer in the Dental college of our University when my husband was a student.  His teacher and his wife came yesterday, they were looked after by Dr U. My husband was ready when he got a call from Dr U who told him that the guest was not feeling well and was resting in the  hotel room. My husband  said he was feeling like a deflated balloon. 😊

Meanwhile,  Aravind had asked Prof B  to come to our place to read a philosophy book in German.  They have had many reading sessions since last December.  This  book by Peter Bieri is important to Aravind for his research. Prof B is his German teacher too. Aravind learnt German during his high school and undergraduate days and wrote successfully three exams.  Fortunately, he found good scribes to write for him. We heard about the talking software JAWS in  2002 . We purchased it. It was installed in his computer and over the years there have been new, updated versions . JAWS opened a new world to him and it has made him independent. Back to our best laid plans , a department meeting started and the staff had to be present.  So, Aravind called Prof B to cancel their reading session.

Later my husband went for a short walk. My mother and I walked in our front yard. Suddenly, I saw dark clouds gathering. The weather had become very hot. Someone said it would rain. I had to take photos of the clouds.  My husband came back and plucked star-apples.  We sat on the stone bench and ate them. Suddenly, I  saw rain drops on the ground.  It was 6.35. Then it was drizzling. The first rain of the year and the fragrance of rain meeting earth, petrichor. Today the fragrance was not heady as it is most times.  It rained slowly and steadily for about 25 minutes.  The plants and trees must be feeling very happy.  They will look green  at least for a day. Tomorrow the weather will be hot and humid but it was good to see the rain today. 

#SoCS March 19, 2022

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “comp.” Find a word that starts with or contains “comp” and use it in your post. Enjoy!


11 responses to “Day 19 of the March SOLSC! #SOL2022”

  1. Well, I read the post three times, and though it was interesting, could not find the word starting with “comp”. Did I miss it?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Computer Kim 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Anita Ferreri Avatar
    Anita Ferreri

    I love the way you describe accepting changes in people, work and nature. We cannot change so many things in life but we can change how we react to them…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes, as Anita pointed out, lots of changes going on in your post. Yet, you rolled with the changes, making new plans, rearranging your day, accepting what happened with a sense of gladness. The rain is the best. We are desperate for rain here in central California. Thousands of acres of farmland are being laid fallow this growing season because there is no water for the crops. We no longer grow asparagus or sugar beets in this area due to lack of water. Cotton acreage is a quarter of what it once was. Grape vines have been removed and replaced with almond and pistachio trees because they take much less water. I don’t accept these changes with gladness.


    1. No, we cannot accept such changes. Here too there used to be widespread cultivation of paddy, but now it is not so and we even see buildings coming up in those lands! We were thinking why are people not worried about the destruction of the environment. There are people who fight to save it but they are in minority. God only knows how this will end.


  4. “All the best-laid schemes of mice and men …”

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  5. The JAWS software sounds really good and must have been a marvellous help for Aravind. So glad that you’ve had some rain. I hope you have a good quantity this year.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I think there is a saying like: ‘Man plans and God laughs.’. Sorry the teacher was not feeling well. I wish him a speedy recovery. Muriel

    Liked by 1 person

  7. You describe the rain so beautifully. I felt as if I was there with you. It is unfortunate about all the cancellations for your husband.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Yes, the leaves will enjoy being clean and fresh if only for a short while.v

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  9. Yes, the best laid plans… It is good to be flexible and go with the flow.

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