#SoCS Sept. 14/19


Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “blue.” Talk about the first blue object you see when you sit down to write your post. Have fun!

For the last two or three days it has been difficult to open my WordPress account. In fact the site has not been uploading. I was worried. Today morning after breakfast I sat down to read the newspaper. I thought I would check if WordPress was available as I wanted to see the prompt.

We read the Deccan Herald and  top of the page  is blue in colour. I turned to see if the sky was blue in colour but it was not. It had been raining in morning and there is sunlight now. The sky is more white than blue or black.
The first article that I read is the addiction to the social media by the elderly. They are as vulnerable as the young. Yesterday evening after our walk we went to the library. I was reading in the article about addiction to gadgets and specially the craze for taking selfies. So many die because they take such risks and all for the appreciation of their ‘friends’. One young girl , just married, fell into the river while taking a selfie. Really tragic.

Anyone would feel blue after reading about people losing their lives for such a trivial issue.
We too take selfies but only when relatives come and we want to include everyone in the photo. Sometimes I  take a selfie of us and so often we look very funny and we start laughing and delete the photo.  I think my WordPress and Facebook profile photos are selfies 😊
My previous post, Sunday Photo fiction is about Selfies 😊.

Musings of a guide (Sunday Photo fiction)



5 responses to “#SoCS Sept. 14/19”

  1. I have never taken a selfie and never will. To me photography, means focusing outside yourself, and as such it is totally freeing. Taking a photo of yourself is quite limited. It keeps you in yourself. There are a lot more important things than us in our world.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Very true. I try to keep the mobile and the internet under control. It has its own place. There is so much more to life. Just yesterday I was thinking no more selfies. I had been taking very rarely but that too is not necessary.


  2. I suppose every artist who ever painted a self portrait, Rembrandt to Van Gogh, was only taking a very slow selfie.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I have never taken a selfie, but I have asked passers by to take my and my husband’s picture when we are traveling.

    Liked by 1 person

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