#SoCS Dec. 21/19


Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “ingle.” Find a word that contains “ingle” and use it any way you’d like in your post. Have fun!

I am a member of a Facebook group called Senior Reading Raccoons. It is a group of book lovers. I got to know about many authors and their books in this group. I am now reading This could change everything by Jill Mansell. I am enjoying the book very much. One of the characters tells another character about several incidents in a single day which changed his life forever. That day was the turning point in his life.

That reminded me of the memoirs of my paternal grandfather. He lived from 1893 to 1980. He lived in a small village with his parents, uncles and their families. He went to primary school in his village. The nearest town was far away and he could not go to the high school there. He worked on the farm.

Due to certain circumstances his father had to move to that town in search of work. At the age of 17 my grandfather joined first form. He was much older than his classmates. He writes that moving to the town and joining high school was the turning point in his life. He continued his studies and completed BA Honours. He became a teacher and went on to become the Head Master of the Municipal High School in a place called Hospet, far from his home town. He lived there till he retired. He was loved and respected by his students and staff. He gave his children good education. His legacy continues.

I believe there is a turning point in each person’s life.

It is really fascinating how a few lines in a book bring back precious memories. Stream of consciousness is helping me to express my feelings. Thank you Linda.


(This photo was taken in 1940. My grandparents with my father in the middle. The two girls are my father’s elder sisters. The young man with glasses is my father’s elder brother.)




5 responses to “#SoCS Dec. 21/19”

  1. A lovely, heartwarming story of determination and success!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a beautiful memory. It is amazing what we can accomplish if we have the desire. Thank you for sharing. We have a love for our grandfathers in common. We were blessed..

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful inspirational story of a “turning a point in life”

    Liked by 1 person

  4. What a lovely photograph. I love looking at family photos like these, catching a glimpse of the past.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I wonder what your grandparents thought about India’s future in 1940? I loved learning about your grandfather who had an opportunity because of his father’s work.

    Liked by 1 person

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