Everyday Moments- Slice of Life #2020


My weekly Slice of Life are my letters to my Doddamma. She is my father’s elder brother’s wife. Doddamma literally means ‘elder mother’. She is 88 years old. She cannot hear properly if I telephone to talk to her. So, I have been writing letters to her since October 2017. I enjoy writing letters and she is happy to read them. They are only about the everyday moments in my life. I post my letters to her every week.

Aravind was to go to Netherlands in May to teach for a week in Netherlands. He is Assistant Professor in the Department of languages of our university. He and my husband went to Bangalore for the visa on the 9th night. Unfortunately, their bus had been cancelled, my husband had not checked the messages earlier in the day. Fortunately, they were given seats in the next bus. They reached Bangalore early morning on the 10th and went to my cousin’s home. Troubles never come singly. His appointment was at 11.30 and when they reached the given address, they found The Netherland office closed !! He was given appointment for 8.30 on the 11th morning. They reached the office at 7.45 and were told they would have to wait as the Netherlands visa officials had not yet decided about the revised visa fees. Both waited and waited, they had booked a day bus at 12.30 from the main bus station as they had been told work would be completed within two hours. But it did not. There was no time for them to reach the main bus station but the conductor was kind enough to tell them to go to another stop, my cousin’s driver took them to that stop and they got the bus😊. They reached home at 9.30. As I had said troubles never come singly. Now the whole trip has been cancelled due to the outbreak of coronavirus. The visa fee was non-refundable! My Doddamma always says we should learn to take life as it comes.

While they were away, I went to Asare, Home for the mentally challenged spent time there. I have been going there thrice a week since 2011. On the 10th evening I went to my friend’s house to meet her mother who is her nineties. I have known her for a long time. Old age brings so many changes. We are lucky if are able to have the same interest in life that we had earlier. I watched Roman Holiday 😊, it is such a beautiful movie. I love all the scenes in it.

My neighbor gave me sour sop fruit which we call Lakshmana phala in our language. I like the taste. We had planted some seeds and saplings are growing in our garden. The curry leaves plant in our garden has got fresh leaves now. They look so green and beautiful.


On the 13th we came to know there will be complete shut down of educational institutions in our state and elsewhere too.  Our grandchildren too are having holidays. Our grandson told his mother that they could come to India now 😊, why waste the holidays. Then she explained to him why it was not possible.


The coronavirus has become a world wide web.

We are going for our evening walks, either to End Point or to the lake. We very rarely miss them.


I am stitching  a blouse for my sari, I enjoy stitching 🙂




21 responses to “Everyday Moments- Slice of Life #2020”

  1. Hope Aravind can go once this pestilence goes away. Keep safe. SAN

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you San.


  2. I love this slice and getting a glimpse at life on the other side of our planet. I, too, have been writing letters to my elderly mother and father each week for several months now because I think getting mail boosts their spirits and helps them to keep reading. I look forward to reading your weekly slices. Take care and stay safe. Namaste!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Namaste and thank you Paula. Yes, my Doddamma enjoys my letters. I talk to her but she cannot hear properly but she tells me not to stop writing even if she cannot write to me. Moreover I enjoy writing letters, they make take notice of all that is happening around us.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s what I am finding as I write to my own parents. I choose what I think is important to note and remember and I put those in my letters. Keeping a copy for myself-almost as a diary, just as you are posting them as slices. She is lucky to be loved so much by you!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Glad to hear things are as normal as they can be for this day and age. As hard as it is, I’m encouraged to see all of the humanity and small kindnesses happening around the world. It’s encouraging.

    You said “My Doddamma always says we should learn to take life as it comes.” and I think there is no better advice. Not just for the current situation but life in general. What will tomorrow hold? Who knows. Do the best you can today, be the best human you can be, and then do the same with whatever tomorrow hands you.

    Take care of yourselves…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Todd, take care you, your family and close ones. Just today I was thinking about you and your trip to my country.


      1. I think about that often. It’ll be some time, I think, before any big trips all things considered.

        Do email me though – I’ve left Facebook completely and I don’t seem to have your email address…


  4. cmargocs Avatar

    I think it’s important to write about the ways the virus has affected our comings and goings. It may become a road map for handling such events in the future, or at the very least, lend itself to family history! I love the photos that accompany your words.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you 🙂 yes, it will be good to write our personal experiences.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I do believe that writing about what is happening and how it affects us and those around us will get us through. We are all affected by this. It will be interesting to see what effect this has on the world when it finally blows over, as it will. Stay healthy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Arjeha. Take care and stay healthy you and your family.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. May you and your family remain healthy.


  7. You are right that “Roman Holiday” is a lovely picture. Did you know that Audrey Hepburn was born in Belgium, although her mother, a baroness, was Dutch? She was apparently one of the very many Dutch people saved from starvation after the war by the RAF and the USAAF.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I did not know that. She and Julia Andrews are my favourite.


  8. Brian Rozinsky Avatar
    Brian Rozinsky

    These rueful words are sticking with me from your slice: “Troubles never come singly.” I hope the same holds true for blessings.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, hope it holds true for our blessings and in these times we should be aware of all our blessings.


  9. Your elders were right to caution about taking life in any other way than as it comes. Mine were the same way. I feel encouraged by the way they weathered adversity.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. This is the letter to your doddamma? I like the glimpse into your life and reading about your daily goings about.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes , I edit my letters to her and post them. There are some more personal details in the letter.


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