Day 17 of the March SOLSC! #SOL2022

A beautifully carved pillar in the temple

Last October we drove to Belur, a small, ancient town about six hours away from home. It was our first vacation after January 2020.  The Hoysala dynasty ruled there between the 10th and 14th centuries. In and around Belur we find beautiful temples constructed by the Hoysala rulers. The Chennakeshava temple in Belur is a beautiful example. I had written about our trip in many of my posts.

BELUR TRIP  14th TO 17th OCTOBER 2021 (1) – Mukhamani (

In those days we saw so many beautiful sculptures. We had read that there were many scenes from our epics. We thought it would have been wonderful if someone could explain the different scenes and carvings to us.

A few months ago, a senior relative shared Praveen Mohan’s YouTube channel with me. Praveen studies ancient Hindu temples and looks at them from a technological point of view. He describes the sculptures and their importance. I have subscribed to his channel and do not miss a single one. They are fascinating.

I have subscribed to just two other channels. Bhat n Bhat food channel is one. Two brothers belonging to our community cook different vegetarian dishes. They started it in 2020 during lockdown. Most of what Sudarshan cooks are staple dishes in our community. The videos  are very popular because they are set in rural houses. The comments are very interesting. Many write the videos remind them of their childhood or of their grandmothers and vacations in their villages. Most of the recipes are familiar to me but I watch all the videos.

I listen to lectures by Shri Bannanje Govindacharya every morning. He was a great Sanskrit scholar. His students and followers have recorded all his lectures and are enough to last a life time. They are in Kannada. It is not possible for me to read all those ancient texts. I was thrilled when I came to know about these lectures on YouTube.

The internet has brought so many changes in our life. The senior relative who shared YouTube videos with me is 87. He is interested in these changes. He has learnt about them and is using them to make his days more interesting. I told him (messaged on WhatsApp) about WordPress and blogging and how it has brought the world into my home. He wrote it was too much for an old goat like him 😊. He sent his blessings when I replied that he was a very active and interesting old goat 😊. He is very interested in life and I am happy to be in some contact with him. I pray that I will be as interested in life when and if I reach his age.

Chennakeshava Temple, Belur – Wikipedia,_Belur

PraveenMohan – YouTube

Bhat‘n’ Bhat – YouTube


8 responses to “Day 17 of the March SOLSC! #SOL2022”

  1. Loved the interaction between yourself and Praveen Mohat. It’s fascinating to me what older people will learn and what they won’t try. The last two years have been SO hard on them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Melanie, the interaction was between myself and my senior relative. I just see and listen to Praveen Mohan’s YouTube videos. I have never met him

      Liked by 2 people

  2. The different scenes and carvings need to be photographed and then transferred to the internet. People could then contribute their own ideas about what it is all about.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I watched a couple of the cooking videos-the banana candy was something that if I had the patience, I could make myself! He talks really fast! I assume that sweet is like our caramels? Very interesting, those carvings in the ancient buildings. It makes my mind hurt, thinking of these unexplainable things! I should explore more wondrous things like these! Thank you for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I really admire how you treat and care for your seniors. So many societies nowadays no longer have that respect!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Great conversation at the end. Tell him you are never too old to learn. Learning keeps us young.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you for sharing these. I’m going to have to add these to my YouTube feed.


  7. Brian Rozinsky Avatar
    Brian Rozinsky

    Keep an eye on the old goat. I’m skeptical that anything is too much for that one.

    Liked by 1 person

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