Everyday Moments (#SOL- 2019)


I believe that the moments in each day make our life what it is. Of course, the unexpected always happens and whatever preparations we make, Life surprises us. Many a time, we think that nothing happens in our life, but things do happen. I started writing to my Doddamma, my father’s elder brother’s wife in October 2017. She is 88 and is not able to hear properly. I post my letter to her every Tuesday. Both of us enjoy the letters. These letters have made it possible for me to appreciate the ordinary moments of life. I edit the letters and post them as Slice of Life every Tuesday.

The weather and water continue to be the topic of conversation everywhere. Most of us feel that we are lucky that we are getting water at least once a week. We have 6000 litre capacity underground sump and 1000 litre capacity overhead tank. We were supplied water last Wednesday. Hopefully we will get it tomorrow. We have learnt to be very careful and have realised we were actually using more than necessary. We learn as we go along.
We have a jackfruit tree in our backyard. On the 19th night we heard a loud noise, we thought two coconut fronds had fallen at the same time. Yesterday morning we saw that one branch of the jackfruit tree had broken. Maybe the branch was not strong enough to hold the weight of about twenty five jackfruits 😊. Yesterday evening we distributed more than ten. Today I made its curry for lunch.

Our son has an eye problem called retinitis pigmentosa since birth. When he was in 7th standard, he had to write a public exam and needed a scribe who was in a lower class. My husband’s patient’s granddaughter wrote for him. This was in 1997. Every year since then they have shared with us mangoes from their tree. The patient is no more and this girl’s parents live elsewhere and she too is married and lives in a different country. Her parents have their home here still. Last week their driver came and gave us a bag full of mangoes from their garden. Some relationships are like that. Something connects us.

23rd was an important day. Results of our general elections were being declared. The Bharatiya Janatha Party with Shri Narendra Modi won with absolute majority. Very few thought they would win this way. Now we have to see what happens in the coming five years.
I went to Asare, home for the mentally challenged on Monday and Saturday. One senior resident had not been keeping well and had been admitted to the hospital. His family had come to take him home, he passed away on the way. We were remembering him.


On the 24th evening we had our book club meeting in one of the members’ home. She and her two sisters are doctors with their nursing home in our place. Their father is a doctor too, he was my husband’s teacher and also my father-in-law’s cousin’s teacher way back in 1857-58. He is now 94 and it was such a pleasure to listen to him talk about a book. He has learnt to use a kindle. We were all listening to him with affection and respect. Later we talked to each other and hoped we would be like him if we reach that age. I think most of us pray for that, to be physically and mentally healthy till the end. My mother enjoyed the meeting. She was coming for the first time.


Yesterday evening we went to the lake for our evening walk. We met many friends. The breeze and looking at the water is so refreshing. We also enjoyed looking at the clouds. They are fascinating.
Everyday Moments
“Just living is not enough… one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.” ~Hans Christian Andersen

Bharatiya Janata Party – Wikipedia

Havyaka Cooking | love food eat
This jackfruit carry or ‘Halasinakai Bendi’ as we call it, is a very simple Havyaka recipe. During jackfruit season it’s cooked at home at least a couple of times a week. Unripe fully grown jackfruit is cooked with spiced coconut sauce to create a delicious flavorful curry which goes well with anything from a dosa, chapatti or rice!



4 responses to “Everyday Moments (#SOL- 2019)”

  1. Even here, in England, we welcomed a heavy shower today

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We are bracing for more severe thunderstorms here this afternoon. It seems that after every storm we find some fallen branches in our back yard. Maintaining relationships is wonderful even though life changes and people move. Friendships know no boundaries.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I think India is to be congratulated for holding a general election which, from what we saw of it on the BBC news, seems to have been properly conducted and free from violence and corruption. That number of voters and the huge numbers of candidates must have made it a huge task.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I use more water than I think, too. I only become aware of it when there is a shortage here and we are encouraged to use less. Right now we have had a very wet spring and water is no problem.

    Liked by 1 person

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